What is independent living?

The Independent Living Movement began in California in the 1960's with the aim of providing and promoting the concept of independent living for adults with physical and sensory disability by providing them with a personal assistant service.
It is based on the premise that people with even the most severe disabilities should have the choice of living in the community. This can be accomplished through the creation of personal assistant services allowing an individual (known as a Leader) to manage his or her Personal care, to keep a home, to have a job, to access education and otherwise participate in the life of the community.

Independent Living has now grown to become a global movement and is non-denominational and multi-cultural. In Ireland it is organised on a county by county basis.
For a more comprehensive history of the Independent Living Movement please see here
Westmeath CIL History
In the late 1990's a need was recognized in our community in Kinnegad for such as service and consequently a local voluntary community group was formed to investigate and provide a Personal Assistant Service. In late 1999 FÁS grant aided a Community Employment Scheme for 15 participants. These men and women (Known as Personal Assistants - PA's) were recruited and trained and began working with their leaders throughout the county.
Leader applications exceeded expectations and it was obvious the service needed expansion. In early 2000 the Midland Health Board, now the HSE, through their regional Disability Service office in Tullamore sanctioned funding adequate for a further 9 PA's allowing more leaders needs to be met.
Further fundraising and lobbying activities were undertaken by Westmeath CIL.
The Department for Social Protection continues to aid us by means of a "rollover" scheme and the HSE continues to review our services annually, thus ensuring continuity of service which is vital for our leaders.
Westmeath CIL Today

Presently we provide a personal assistant service to 61 leaders and further needs are continually coming to light. We liaise constantly with our neighbouring counties and the various disability organisations in our region and further afield. In common with all other CIL's we also promote positive images and perceptions of people with disabilities within our county.
We have supported people in tangible ways such as returning to education and training and in accessing employment and in intangible ways such as encouragement and companionship and the confidence to live a more independent life.
Westmeath CIL also operate the Rowan Tree Restaurant on the St. Lomans Hospital campus in Mullingar. For more information please see our restaurant page here.

Westmeath Centre For Independent Living

Charity No. 13927